Wednesday, April 8, 2015

the sign for autism


  If you take the pictures above and string them together you will get the sign for autism. I do not know and am not able to find why they choose this, but I have a theory. My theory is this, my brother is smart. I know that because I see it every day from the way he gets mad whenever we make a wrong turn on the way to school, or the way he picks things up and they throws them on the ground to get attention. He even pointed to my brothers name "Poe" in Edgar Allen Poe, a famous poet, when his name was written on the board. It was like he was saying "that's my brother's name!". Many people just believe that because he isn't able to express himself in the way this society expects people to he is stupid. You may be asking yourself, how does this have to do with the sign for autism? Think about the sign for autism is like a wall going around the face, it is like a wall going around what is going on in Robb's mind. Robb is trapped in his mind in a way, not able to show his true knowledge, and not only that the letter that is making that wall, that is trapping him in the sign (the letter your hand makes) is an "a". A for autism. I am not saying autism traps him, but I am saying in the society we live in autism traps him. I hope someday this will change, but until then this is the world we have made. That is the sign for autism.