Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Little Victories

 Happiness is very different when it comes to a family like mine, and victories are something simpler than ultimate perfection and success. For my family happiness comes in little bits from victories that show us, yeah, we can do this. Getting Robb through a full day without hitting his head, that is a victory. When Robb clears his plate by himself, that is a victory. Also, if he does not get it the first time, but try again and do succeed that is a victory because it shows that he cares enough to learn the skill. This has been one of the most important things that Robb has taught me because  when I get excited by the little victories I get less bogged down by things I might have not succeed in or that I maybe did not do very well in. Being in middle school this is especially important because there are so many failures and successes to be had, and by watching Robb I am able to be happy even if I am not always doing everything the way I would like to be. Robb shows that though the victories are golden the mistakes are not holding me down, they are giving me an opportunity to try again and that if it is really important to me I should be even more determined to try again. I hope you to can gain something from a common lessen to many that Robb really drives home and expresses in a new light.