Monday, March 19, 2018

Adaptive Skiing

           My family goes on trips all together very rarely. Although Robb loves planes and car rides, and we get to cut the lines with him in airports, actual trips that Robb would enjoy are difficult probably because there may be a lot of standing and waiting which becomes miserable for him. Also, things go bad quickly. And when Robb is miserable, everyone is miserable. If we are in a crowded area, and all of the sudden Robb sits down, there is little hope of him standing up any time soon. Therefore, when we find an activity that we all would enjoy we hold on to it. This year, I think we found the perfect thing to do. Robb had tried adaptive skiing before, but because he had been much smaller, this was really a test run to see how he would like it, and although we had a rough start, the experience was so much fun for all of us!
          The was it works is Robb gets strapped into a chair, and the instructors ski him down the mountain. On the first try, Robb was extremely suspicious. He had to be forced into the chair, and he was less than amused when his chair had to dip forward to put him onto the ski lift. Just imagine, my mother telling the people to go quickly so that Robb can understand what is going on while Robb yells and hits his head. The people pushing Robb believed that he would never be able to enjoy it, and I have to admire my parents for convincing them to try the activity again despite the failure.
          Fortunately, when he went back for his second session, he was very pleased and excited for the ride. He never seemed quite comfortable with the ski lift, but once on the mountain, he laughed the whole way down. He even started to put on the goggles himself to keep his face warm despite his notorious dislike of things covering his face. (He has thrown more than a few pairs of glasses out of the window of a moving car.) At the end, despite initial concern from the people pushing him, at the end they said he kept on signing "more" the entire trip whenever they asked how he liked it. All and all it was really an amazing program, and I would say that seeing Robb with a big smile on his face coming down the mountain was the highlight of everyone's trip.