Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Hardest Thing

      "What is the hardest thing about having a sibling with special needs?".  I came across this question when preparing for a sibling panel.  Most people think that I should have a plethora of choices. They think that getting embarrassed at the supermarket would be the worst, but I have always felt like a movie star. They think that I miss out on hanging out with my friends if I need to watch Robb, or he has a therapist, yet they lack all of the doors Robb has opened up for me. I think people need to understand that having a sibling with special needs is not a hardship, but it is different.
      It really has never been hard on me, though, but I have always felt it must be extremely hard on him.  He cannot communicate, he gets frustrated often, and this really kills me because I just want him to be happy. Robb can find ways around communication, and he is smart, but I am afraid he will never feel self fulfillment. I always think self fulfillment is essential to happiness. I do not think I will ever be able to fully accept the fact he may never be completely fulfilled in himself. He will probably never get a job, never get married, and always be dependent on other people for the rest of his life.
      I just keep reminding myself, though, that my one hundred steps in this world could be his one step, but that one step will probably be even more fulfilling than my thousand steps. What really breaks my heart, and is truly unbearable for me is that he will probably never be able to live up to his full potential. Robb can live a fulfilling life, but I know he can do so much more that the world will let him. It breaks my heart that because people marking him off as a "retard" and moving along keeps him from sharing his full potential with the world. Robb may have a very loving environment, and he is very good about brushing off the haters, but until the world can try a little harder to listen, his voice may only be heard by a few, and trust me. That is a voice needs to be heard. Above autism, above Down Syndrome, but with sight because when you rise above your differences everything becomes clear.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Student Council Representative

   Robb was elected the student council representative of his class! Though my family is not really sure what it means, we are all very pleased (especially Robb). It is fun because my younger brother and I have also been members of the student council, and it goes to show that though Robb may have extra challenges when facing our civilization, we can still share goals.

Monday, January 4, 2016


  Robb has never really liked wearing things on his wrists, but ever since he put on the bracelet he made at school he has not taken it off. I think it might be because he likes the sensory input he gets from the beads, or maybe he is just very much in the Christmas spirit this year (the bracelet is red and green, Christmas colors), but whatever it is he is very pleased with his new fashion article!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Robb's 16'th Birthday!

Yesterday, along with New Years Eve, was Robb's 16'th Birthday! My grandmother is from Norway, and they have a tradition that you wake up the birthday boy/girl with breakfast, presents, and a special version of Happy Birthday. Unfortunately Robb was the first person to wake up in my family, so we brought the breakfast to the living room. I got Robb a fun straw which he was very pleased with:). We then went to the park which Robb loves, and the playground and swing were lots of fun for all of us! To end the day we had a New Years/Birthday Party Celebration to bring in the New Year, and Robb loved the music and good energy. I think that this will be a great 2016'th year(see what I did there:) )!