Saturday, March 14, 2015

Matty B.

   A lot of people who are reading this do and do not know Matty B, so let me tell you. Most people may know him for his covers of songs like Rude and Shake it off on youtube, but he also has a sister with Down-Syndrome who is in his video cover of True Colors! It is a video that his sister stars in where girls are mean to her, but one girl gives her a chance and really likes her showing it really only matters about the person on the inside, and I think the video is amazing! People watching it might think he is just doing it for publicity, but though that may be a factor, I know that he is doing it because he loves his sister, and he wants people to know the amazing person she is. He talks about how crazy it is that people judge this girl just because of her "DNA", and that they shouldn't judge someone based on their chemical makeup (something that they have no control over).  A dream many of us have is that people will, one day, not worry about differences and see people for who they really are. I am hoping this video makes an impact on people, and they start making this realization that MattyB has shown. I also hope people see this video, and think more than "oh she is cute", and instead see the video the way her brother wants you to see it. Most importantly though watch the video for the star, MattyB's sister Sarah, who is an amazing actor with and would be an amazing actor without Downs-Syndrome.