Friday, March 6, 2015

Robb Amazes Me

  I was playing with Robb just a little while ago, and I came up with this simple sentence: Robb Amazes Me.   From when he wakes up in the morning, to when he goes to sleep I am amazed by his way of life. He can spend hours being alone, and he will never be bored. He can swing around a towel and watch it all the movements fascination. You can tell when he is thinking because a million expressions go through him at once, and never have I ever seen him bored. I am also amazed that he has been able to go through life communicating with the little communication skills he has been taught. He rarely gets angry when he can't get his point across and looks for new ways to get the point across. Everyday he is able to make the best of, even though not many people (if any) understand him and who he is. Robb may not be able to communicate in what we consider a "normal" way to communicate, but he goes beyond that. He communicates through his world, and every moment I am with him I feel like I am glimpsing into a better world. The world I see from him is a much better place, and every day I want to see more of it, know more of it, though there is still so much I don't know about it, can't know about it, yet so much to find out. I may never understand it, but I will always love and accept it. I just want Robb to always be happy, (impossible as that might be) because I know that he is one person that would make the most of a happy life, or even just a happy hour, a single happy second. Robb amazes me.